Menelech's Small Business Success

Enjoy this great story from Arbora, the Executive Director of Girls Gotta Run

I'm pleased to share an update on Menelech -- the Soddo mom who started a small business buying charcoal in bulk and reselling it from her home. She recently took out a second loan of 5000 birr and expanded her business to sell a variety of goods (see the attached photo of the shop). The bags of charcoal are still for sale. You can see them near the front of the photo.

Menelech says that she could not have survived the high inflation of the past months without the moral and financial support offered by the Mothers' Groups. She is excited to be supporting her family and her Athletic Scholar daughter, Bereket. Bereket is a good student and one of the fastest runners in our group. She will represent Soddo in an upcoming regional race!